Blue Flower

Naming Ceremonies

We can organise a Naming Ceremony for you, for it provides an alternative to a christening for families who wish to welcome a newborn with a celebration that is not overtly linked to a particular religious faith or denomination. It is similar to a christening in that it is an opportunity to acknowledge a new child, support the immediate family and recognize particular roles that individuals will be taking in the child’s life.

There are no legal requirements associated with a name giving ceremony however under New Zealand law the birth of a child must be registered on the Notification of Birth for Registration form which is available from your local office of the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

A name giving ceremony does not remove the requirement to register the birth of your child.

A Naming Ceremony can include any elements that have meaning or importance for you or your family. Ceremonies often include music, singing, gifts, poems, statements of support by friends and family and recognition of adults who have been nominated as potential guardians or who will have a special interest in the child's life such as god-parents.